I am Sebestyén Schneider. I am 23 years old. I prefer if you call me Sebastian. I am from Szekszárd, Hungary. I was a semi-professional road cyclist for more than 10 years. I started racing when I was 12 years old. I won multiple National Championships and was part of the Hungarian National Team for more than 4 years. I was an assistant coach in our local cycling team and I was in a supervisor position to children in training camps and training for years. In addition to this, I am learning to be an English-history teacher at the University.
What are you most proud of/biggest achievement in life so far?:
I was able to represent my country in the Cycling European Championship in 2018 in the Czech Republic. What is your favorite hobby/sport/thing to do during your free time?:
My favorite activity to do in my free time is Cycling, basketball and watching anime. What is your favorite thing about working with children?:
I can teach children what I learned in life and that I could make better people out of them by sharing my experiences and teaching them useful skills. What impact are you most excited to make this year at CCB?:
I want to broaden the children's horizons, teach them useful skills, and make them and myself a better person. What goal or camp philosophy do you really want your campers to learn this summer?:
I want to teach the children about fair play, sportsmanship, level-headedness and show them how to resolve any difference they may have peacefully. By teaching them these useful skills and mentality they can become a better person who can benefit society.