Camp Carolina Supports National Unplug Day

March 23rd, 2012

National Unplug Day

Starting at Sunset tonight (Fri 23rd) and ending tomorrow at sundown (Sat 24th) people nation wide will be turning off their cell phones, hiding their Ipads and putting their laptops to sleep in support of National Unplug Day and to give themselves a days break from the technological world.

Camp Carolina promotes technology free summers where campers and counselors do not have access to phones or any devices to connect to the internet, encouraging the boys to fully engage with fellow campers and throw themselves 100% into every activity offered to them without the distraction of technology. With so many activities to choose from on a daily basis, awesome evening activities and even free time filled with endless possible choices of fun the campers and counselors do not miss the technology the may otherwise rely on.

Campers form close friendships at Camp Carolina-some of them lasting for a lifetime. When in a new setting where they are away from the familiarity of home or the presence of so many technological gadgets the boy’s quickly begin to make new friends without these distractions preventing them from experiencing the beauty of the real world. They learn to support and encourage each other through the new adventures and challenges experienced at  summer camp and how to celebrate the success and accomplishments achieved with new-found friends.

Check out the suggested “unplugged” activities to do on your day of “rest” from the technological world and have a happy unplugged weekend!

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